23 January 2015

1st @ Last 1/23/15


WEKM said...

Personally, I don't do well with that level of authority.
If someone had that kind of control over me, I would fight them at every step.
Yeah, that was my biggest problem in the Marine Corps.
But still, if someone could physically manipulate me, the fight would NEVER end. So, I think I would be in the same boat at Red. Offer me freedom while proving you can force me, and I will fight you. I doubt I could help it.
I think I am liking Red even more.

Jim said...

Yeah, Nellie (Red) is non too happy about going from being cooped up in a mansion for around fifty years just to be under someone else's thumb. But Lily/Neve sort of has a valid point, too.

WEKM said...

Going to be interesting to see how Nellie and Lily learn to interact with each other.
Still looking forward to finding out what all Nellie is capable of.

Jim said...

Nellie's strengths are mainly corporeal, if that helps for now.

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